Don’t buy Magic Flight Launch Box before you read our review and coupon codes. The Magic-Flight is the manufacturer and supplier of most popular Launch Box vaporizer. Magic-Flight feature wide range of USA made electronic cigarette kit and accessories that you can use anywhere and it is considered as best alternative to smoking. It is San Diego, California based company that use Eco-friendly material to create their product.
Buy Magic Flight Vaporizer for $119.00 only!
Reason to buy MFLB from is that, they offer Free Shipping and 10% Reward on every order. Apart from that they also offer Free Grinder and Bonus Gift for selected order. VapeWorld offers lowest price guarantee too.

Top rated Magic Flight Launch Box Coupons and Codes
LABORDAY20 – Work Hard and Vape Hard. Receive 20% discount on entire order at
LABOR or 420 – Hurry up and visit Vapornation and buy MF Launch Box at 20% discount. Make sure to apply these exclusive code to get your deal.
Free2TheWorld -Visit, they are offering wide range of vaporizer including MFLB at 10% discount price. In some case you can ask for FREE Shipping too.
Head up to Puffitup and visit their premium online store to buy this vaporizer at Free Shipping. Even if you forgot the code, they will refund the cost of shipping to you, if you mention them it later. You will also get 2 clear AVB containers, Vatra Zip pouch, 4 part aluminum grinder, bristle pipe cleaners and many other goodies.
1% Off – You can purchase from various style of launch box vaporizer including Cherry, Original, Walnut etc and get 1% discount from the website.
Upto 5% – is the leading trusted online retailer who sells various kind of eCig gears including Magic-Flight products as well. You can get benefit of Got Vape’s ongoing offer to save 5% off the retail price. Make sure to use the voucher code at checkout page to get your discount.
Launch Box at $119.00 – Visit the official website and you can grab your favorite Launch box vaporizer starting from $119.00 only. Offer is valid for Original Maple only.
Under $50 – Choose from wide range of ecig accessories and product such as starter kit, vape mod, atomizer, power adapters, battery, charger,cable and more at below $50 only.
Herbals for $14.75 – Select from four different flavor of herbal blend (i.e Feelin, Revitalizing, Sweetly Calming, Balancing Bleus ) for just $14.75 only. You can’t use any coupons on this product.

Review of Magic-Flight
It is the USA brand and best known for their Launch Box Vaporizer. Company uses organic and natural product in developing their material and giving you lifetime functional warranty. It should be noted that warranty doesn’t cover stolen, lost, willfully broken units. If the serial number will not be visible then your warranty will be void. They offer 3 months warranty on all the accessories including standard MFLB Kit.
Company offer guarantee on their product even if you used promo codes, so you should not worry in finding such offers. If you want to use your warranty but purchase the vaporizer from different retailer than manufacturer site, then you just need to open official site of MF and then fill up the required form with your unit details and their representative will contact you with full instruction to replace or repair your unit.
You won’t find any Magic-Flight Coupon Codes on their official website, So I would suggest you to check the competitor website such as GotVape, Amazon etc where you can find great promotional offers and discount coupons to use for your favorite launch box and other vaporizers.
We have created this page to help you only, as you can see that we have covered almost all the eCommerce website which sell Magic Flight eCig products on sale or as giveaways. We also listed discount codes from such site, so that you can reduce your expenses.
Originally posted 2019-12-07 07:20:18.