Pax 2 and Firefly 2 are currently among the leading and highly competing vaporizers in the market today. Deciding on which one to get can be a little bit of a tricky process but armed with information on each of them, it should be a walk in the park.
In-depth review of Firefly 2 and Pax 2 Vaporizer
The Firefly 2 is actually the second iteration of the popular and on demand portable vaporizer made by Firefly Vapor, a company founded back in 2012 in San Francisco. It comes with lots of improvements addressing most issues that were previously a concern of users, and improving on even those that were already good. Such include a reduction in the time required to heat up, better battery life, lower upkeep, reduced size and weight among many others.
The Pax 2 vaporizer is also another new entry into the market, a major upgrade from the original Pax. It comes with improved battery life, oven that is deeper for heating to be more even, and the heat settings are now 4 instead of 3. The spectrum of the new temperature range is also wider.
Buy FireFly Vaporizer for Cheap
Buy Pax by Ploom Vaporizer for Cheap
Full Comparison of Pax 2 vs Firefly 2 Vaporizer
If you are confused between Pax 2 vaporizer or Firefly 2, then you should check my detailed comparison that include heating, battery, size, maintenance, operation and many other factors.
The weight of Pax 2 is exactly 90.2 grams only. Its dimensions are 3.87” tall by 1.21” wide by 0.08” deep. Such dimensions without a doubt makes it among the most portable and discrete vaporizers. The design of the body is also in such a way that it has concealment and discretion. Its mouth piece sits flash along the top so you can’t really tell what it is. Without the clicking components, the cleaning process also becomes a lot easier.
The Firefly 2 vaporizer also went for a reduction in size from the original Firefly. It is a whopping 33% smaller in size with the weight being cut down by 55%. The body is made of a magnesium alloy, a change from the steel body in the previous version. It is however, not as discrete as you would wish it to be and can easily be identified at a first glance.
Pax 2 Vaporizer offers 4 different settings for temperature: 360, 380, 400 and 420 Fahrenheit. It also has an interesting feature which is a heating algorithm that dynamically adjusts temperature depending on how you use it. The temperature of the materials, and not just the oven, is also regulated to ensure that draw is always consistent from the first to the last.
Firefly 2 has a heater of 50 watts with a bowl made of borosilicate glass bowl. The heat settings are 6, 5 of them being for dry herbs and the remaining one for concentrates. It heats up so fast, can reach 400F in only 3 seconds. The herbs are only heated when you are using it meaning that you save quit a lot.
The battery life of Firefly 2 vaporizer has been improved by over 100% compared to the original version. Even better, the unit comes with two batteries that can easily be interchanged. The batteries can charge up to 80% within 20 minutes using the original Firefly external charger.
In comparison to the previous model, it can provide up to 30% more of usage. The battery life is quite solid.
The price of Pax 2 is $279 when you buy it from They offer Free Shipping and sometime also offer discount for their existing and new customer. For Firefly 2, you will get it from FireflyVapor store at $339. Apart from official site, both of them are available at, and other third party site.
You can use coupon codes to reduce you total spending.
Pax 2 or Firefly 2: Which is best vaporizer?
Both the Pax 2 and Firefly 2 are great vaporizers and determining which one is better really depends on your preferences. Both of them are reputed brands and being used by thousands of vaper all around the world. Whichever way you go, you will get a great product. If you want to know about ongoing promo codes or special offer then you can contact me by commenting here. Good news is that in many case you are allowed to combine free shipping offer with any other promotion and coupons, so you will save huge.
>>> Click Here – Get Your FireFly 2 Vaporizer Now! <<<
>>> Check This – Get Pax 2 by Ploom Vaporizer! <<<
Originally posted 2016-04-16 14:09:25.