How much nicotine is in a electronic cigarette (mg)

Nicotine is a popular stimulant drug. Tobacco has nicotine as its primary ingredient. As an ingredient, nicotine is very addictive and hence gives the reason why many people find it hard to quit smoking. While it remains to be addictive, nicotine is a drug that has numerous side effects.

The Dangers of Nicotine

  • Addictive: The first danger of this drug is that it is addictive. A user of this drug easily gets addicted and finds it hard to withdraw from the addiction.
  • Weight Loss: Excessive use of nicotine leads to loss of appetite which eventually makes a person to lose weight.
  • Increased Heartbeat: Continuous use of nicotine makes a person to experience increased rates of heartbeat. This is not good for human health.

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There are a dozen other dangers that nicotine has such as lung failure and cancer. All these dangers are due to the high intake of this substance. If taken in controlled amount, the effects would not be severe.

How many MG of Nicotine is in a Traditional Cigarette?

Traditionally, the nicotine level in a cigarette ranges from anywhere between 8mg and 20 mg. Majority of people prefer to use cigarettes with lesser amount of nicotine and thus the average amount is at about 12mg.

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To cut off the addiction of cigarettes, smokers are now opting to smoke electronic cigarettes as opposed to the traditional cigars. This is because, the e-cigs have relatively controlled levels of nicotine that would avert the dangers stated above.

Nicotine Value Comparison in E-Cigs and Traditional Cigars:

The average nicotine value given for a normal traditional cigarette smoker is about 12mg. This translates to about 1mg of nicotine that gets into the body system of an individual. On the other hand, an electronic cigarette has a 18mg of nicotine in every tank. Assuming that you will finish the whole tank in a day, the level of nicotine to be taken in is about 1mg.

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In as much as the levels appear to be same, they are actually not same. The milligrams might be same but the effect quite different. The 1mg/mL of nicotine in an e-cig is not harmful. It has been refined and thus gets into the body as a refined element that has no negative effect on the body. E-cig manufacturers keep such levels so as to help people to gradually quit smoking. Therefore, it is safer to use e-cig than traditional cigars.

Commonly Used Nicotine Levels in E-Cig

Depending on the manufacturer and of course their target, the levels may vary from 12mg/mL to 18mg/mL. These levels vary a lot and a user is advised to seek select the most appropriate level wisely.

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How to choose e-liquid Nicotine Strength?

The choice of e-liquid nicotine strength will be dependent on a number of factors such as your addiction to cigarettes and whether you are using e-cig for withdrawal or just for fun.

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If you are using it to withdraw from nicotine addiction, it is recommended that you start with 16mg/mL e-liquid strength. This is because you are probably addicted and lower levels may make you crave for the traditional cigar. Gradually, you will decrease the levels until you are done with the addiction.

Originally posted 2015-09-21 10:27:30.

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